‣ Creeping Up - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin ‣ Muscovite Rebellion - David Arnold, Paul Hart
Spongebob season 9 episode 12 online free free#
More people come to eat free samples, as well as paying extra, feeling the Krabby Patty is so good it should not be free. He empties his pockets and asks how much it will get him. As soon as he takes a bite, he is instantly smitten with the Krabby Patty. This does not work at first, until a customer's hunger gets the best of him and he realizes he would rather take his chances than go hungry any longer. SpongeBob tries a different approach: selling "New" Krabby Patties.
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Krabs suggests he get a new job in a different way, he overhears "new" and "different," and realizes how to win the customers back. However, SpongeBob refuses to give up, and when Mr. Plankton watches from afar, celebrating his accomplishment in ruining the Krusty Krab. Krabs laughs that even free is not good enough for them, then is horrified when he realizes how bad that is for business. When the people learn that SpongeBob is giving out free Krabby Patties, they are hesitant. When the baby throws a coin at Squidward's head, he rips off his costume and leaves. People are attracted to the sounds of the calliope, and Squidward in a monkey costume dances to a woman and a baby in a stroller. SpongeBob uses his backup plan: playing a calliope with Squidward acting as the monkey. SpongeBob announces his free goods, but nobody answers.

Krabs is having second thoughts, but SpongeBob chains him to heavy concrete blocks, telling Mr. Soon after, SpongeBob goes on the streets with a grill, ready to give away free Krabby Patties. When he realizes that no customers at all is worse than giving away free samples, he reluctantly agrees. Krabs the only way to win them back is to give away free samples, which horrifies Mr. Krabs decides to lower prices: by one cent.

Krabs comes up with the idea to triple the prices, but SpongeBob says it is not a good idea, so Mr. SpongeBob is shocked, and they realize they need to win their customers back. A brick is thrown through the window, wrapped in a piece of paper which says the Krabby Patties taste terrible. Krabs hiding behind a table, who explains that the customers have turned on him and the Krabby Patties, and cannot find out why. When SpongeBob goes to the Krusty Krab, he sees an angry mob, mistaking it for a crowd of hungry and impatient customers. However, one person says that he is the same guy who made given rotten chum samples and tells the customers it was his brother-in-law Flankton and they believe him. He sells chumburgers under the name " Krabby Patties" and gives them out for free, with the intent of smearing the Krusty Krab's name. Krabs if he gave out free samples, and gets an idea. Plankton angrily points out that the people would never do this to Mr. Plankton makes a run for it, and the sickened customers pursue him to the Chum Bucket, where he hides from the furious mob. Plankton gives out free chum sticks to eager Bikini Bottomites, but not long after they eat his chum, they start to suffer from food poisoning. However, Karen points out this idea is not "new and original" at all. Krabs, Plankton comes up with a "new and original" idea: giving out free samples.